06-26-2007, 11:53 PM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Kingston
Posts: 511
Re: Super elevation question
My stab at this is any super elevation, if wanted, would be visually OK only on long sweeping curves (>=48in?). This is to represent counteracting the centrifical force of a train running at speed on this curve. For not-so-long sweeping curves there would be no need for this as the trains run a speeds that the centrifical force will not overcome the wheel flange lateral force on the rail.
So now that I got some physics out of the way, from a visual perspective, a transition into super elevation would be good. The amount would be a visual choice but remember that this application looks appropriate only on large radius curves. And, too much would introduce a potential closeline effect pulling long trains through this section. As for specific amounts, I can't give a number other than to say that it's in the eye of the owner and the radius of the curve.
Bruce (McToots) McElhoe
KAMRI President
and Web Site Moderator