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McToots 11-21-2005 12:28 PM

Atlanta GATS Review
My wife and I attended the GATS in Atlanta and were NOT awe-struck :( by this event. We were quite supprised with the small size of the show. I would guess it was about 1/3 the size of the event 2 years ago. I'm a bit biased toward n-scale with this review but I found very little recent release stuff anywhere. Most stuff appeared to be older slow-moving merchandise and very little in the way of detail parts and accessories. Nothing anywhere close to what we would have seen if Neal's was in attendance. I can only guess at how the Nashville and Knoxville shows will be this next year...:confused:

At least the parking is free but even with the $2 dollar per person discount the $12 addmission for us was close to what we spent inside on the few things we found.

We didn't waste the trip. We visited the downtown area of Marietta and toured the visitors center (old train station) and the 'Kennishaw House' and 'Gone With the Wind' museums. Two auto-rack trains blew by our noses duing our visit. Shakes the old buildings a bit but I guess they are pretty well settled after 100-150 years of use.

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