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Billy 03-20-2007 12:26 AM

Cornerstone trestle - N Scale
Anyone have one or seen one in person? Any idea how TALL they are? All the info I find say's 160', but is that hieght of span? I need one that can go up to 10" tall.. I found one refrence on ebay that it's max hieght is 6.25", but looking at the pictues, it looks way taller than that.. Any one?

Thanks, Billy

McToots 03-21-2007 12:47 PM

Re: Cornerstone trestle - N Scale

I have an old ConCor/Heljan trestle kit (I think it's pretty much the same as what's now marketed under the Cornerstone name) as well as some pre-fab trestle bents(?) made by a vendor stashed at the museum that can/could be purchased in various heights. I'll try and drop by after work and check these items to better answer your question.

McToots 03-28-2007 07:57 PM

Re: Cornerstone trestle - N Scale
I finally checked on the trestle parts from two manufaturers stashed at the museum and found the following maximum bent heights:

ConCor/Heljan - 6.0 inches (80 scale feet). This is the tallest bent in the trestle kit.

TJ Models - 5.625 inches (75 scale feet). TJ Models makes/made pre-built wood bents in 4 n-scale heights from 20 ft up to 75 ft. I don't know if they are still around or not as I've had these for a number of years and havn't noticed their products lately, but I havn't looked for them either. The package does not have an e-mail address only the following the following snail mail address:

TJ Models
PO Box 89
Jacksboro, TN 37757

I tried Googling and came up with zip. I suspect that to get the height you are desiring a custom built trestle is the way to go. I'd suggest building a jig such that all you need to do is cut/place/glue and lift out - repeat...

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